The sense of violence and displacement


  • Marisol Castaño Suárez Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



Sense, Signification, Meaning, Violence, Displacement, Pain, Psychosocial implications


The theory presented in this text is related to the feelings of the victims of forced displacement; in addition to the subjugation of being part of a sociocultural structure that violates their dignity and identity, forcing them to remain hidden and silent because fear does not offer alternatives. Given the above, elements related to the meaning of suffering and its relationship with the meaning and signifiers of violence and displacement are mentioned, pointing out transformations of the meaning of both sociocultural phenomena from the psychosocial implication, wielding reflections that arise from some research and intervention practices in a concrete situation in time, place and space.


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How to Cite

Castaño Suárez, M. (2022). The sense of violence and displacement. Poiésis, (42), 74–82.



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