Stories about the cornering of evil


  • Liliana Alzate Vélez Magíster en Psicología Clínica. Psicóloga clínica y psicoorientadora de la Universidad de Antioquia, Seccional Oriente (Rionegro, Colombia).



De objectivization, Ego, Negativization, Objectification, Death drive, Life drive, Super-ego, Self.


The text presents two stories of people who had the dramatic experience of war in Colombia. The experiences of fear of death, destruction and exile, the feelings of danger and threat and the misery left in its wake by hatred invite the reader to connect with life and death present in each fragment of the story. To better understand each of the scenes narrated and explore the origin of evil in them, the theoretical framework of Freud and Green’s psychoanalysis was used, in particular their concepts of life drive, death drive, structural dimension (Ego, Ego and Superego), objectification, de objectification and negativization.


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How to Cite

Alzate Vélez, L. (2021). Stories about the cornering of evil. Poiésis, (40), 25–38.



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