Learning disabilities in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in preschoolers: an exploratory literature review


  • Adriana Marcela Álvarez García Universidad Santiago de Cali
  • Alejandro Botero Carvajal Universidad Santiago de Cali http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1670-518X




Attention deficit, ADHD diagnosis, Learning disabilities, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Special education, Preschoolers


Background: Learning disabilities are the most common cause of school-age children receiving special education, however, the etiology of learning disabilities is still unknown. Therefore, we want to determine if a possible etiology of learning difficulties can be attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, because the latter is one of the most prevalent disorders in the educational context. For this reason, the purpose of the study is to determine what proportion of preschoolers who receive a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be expected to have learning difficulties. Methodology: exploratory literature review to identify all relevant literature in the Scopus, Science Direct, PubMed and Google Scholar databases, related to preschoolers between 2 and 5 years old, who receive a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and who evaluate learning difficulties. The types of articles searched were: clinical trials, cohort studies, case-control studies, because they allow understanding the relationship between learning disabilities and patients diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The search strategy is represented in the PRISMA 2009 flow chart; the review took into account the SPIDER model. Results: no studies were found with the required methodological evidence, but observational studies were found. 4 of the 6 articles indicate that ADHD negatively affects learning; the remaining 2 were inconclusive, because ADHD symptoms can be confused with normal preschool behaviors. Conclusions: ADHD in preschoolers requires  ethodological designs that allow data quality to assess the proportion of children between 2 and 5 years of age who will develop a learning disability. As well as the standardization of a diagnostic process for ADHD in preschoolers. 


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How to Cite

Álvarez García, A. M., & Botero Carvajal, A. (2022). Learning disabilities in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in preschoolers: an exploratory literature review. Poiésis, (42), 63–73. https://doi.org/10.21501/16920945.3848



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