Neuro-psychopedagogical characteristics of school learning difficulties: a case study
Affective development, School failure, Psychopedagogy, Learning process, School performance, Treatment.Abstract
This article aims to present the neuropsychopedagogical characteristics of a child
with school and behavior difficulties. A case study was carried out with an 11-yearold
participant, who during the research was studying the fifth grade of elementary
school in a private educational institution in the municipality of Itagüí, Antioquia. The
instruments applied for the evaluation were: the KAUFMAN Brief Intelligence Test
(K-BIT), the EVALÚA Psychopedagogical Battery–5, the Depression Questionnaire for
Children (CDS) and a semi-structured interview for parents and teachers, related to
aspects of development, learning and behavior of the student. The results showed that
the child had an IQ within normal parameters and the main difficulties were found in the
social family context, which allowed to show that school performance is the result of the
interaction of different factors, which include cognitive, neurodevelopmental, emotional,
family and contextual components. It was also evidenced that behavioral difficulties
associated with the school context are not always related to learning or conduct
disorders. Obtaining this type of neuropsychopedagogical profiles is necessary in order
to establish relevant and effective intervention routes, which incorporate individual
cognitive characteristics, socio-affective ties, the social and school environment and
the student’s family dynamics.
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