The psychosocial, a reading that transcends the union of concepts and relations


  • Andrés Santiago Trujillo Urrego Psicólogo Universidad Católica Luis Amigó.
  • Lina Patricia Palacios Moreno Psicóloga Universidad Católica Luis Amigó.



Interaction, Intervention, Critical psychology, Social psychology.


The aim of the next reflection is to make a reading about the notion of psychosocial.
It calls for a critical review to provide elements of reflection in the realization of
psychosocial interventions or to characterize ways of understanding processes of social
transformation involving the subject and the community. In this sense, it is questioned
how social and human science professionals make context reading and intervene under
this conceptual hybrid? this is based on the criticism of the indiscriminate use of the
concept in the many ways in which it is used by professionals of the social and human
sciences, also the reading of it in view of social psychology, thanks to which the mere
use of the concept is transcended and the deepening of what would involve the union
of the “psycho” and the “social” in the variety of discourses and practices that exist
today in our social contexts, this will enable a new understanding of the subject from
social interaction and relationship in the construction of reality, from this perspective it
is intended to reflect the psychosocial, to know the impact on social transformations.


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How to Cite

Trujillo Urrego, A. S., & Palacios Moreno, L. P. (2020). The psychosocial, a reading that transcends the union of concepts and relations. Poiésis, (39), 45–52.



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