Social stigmatization in the school field generated by a psychological diagnosis


  • Daniel Cano Agudelo Pregrado Programa de Psicología. Graduado. Medellín, Colombia.
  • Daniela Villegas Grajales Pregrado Programa de Psicología. Graduada. Miembro del Semillero de Investigación de Psicología Relacional de la Universidad Católica Luis Amigó. Medellín, Colombia.
  • Jessica González Pérez Pregrado Programa de Psicología. Graduada. Medellín, Colombia.
  • Karen Margarita Montoya Mejía Pregrado Programa de Psicología. Graduada. Medellín, Colombia.



Stigmatization, Psychological diagnosis, School, Identity, Adolescence.


This research arises from the question of social stigmatization in the school field
generated by a psychological diagnosis. The educational context is the scene of various
dynamics that influence the process of student development, there are stages of
transition such as the transition from elementary to high school, in a period of life in
which the adolescent is in full construction of his identity. It is a stage of adaptation to the
environment, this being a period of vulnerability that can be significantly affected when
the students also carries with them a psychological diagnosis that can generate social
stigma. This research was conducted on the basis of a theoretical trace and a unique
case study, in which an interview was conducted with a student with an established
diagnosis, another to its mother, a teacher and two psychologists of the educational
institution. It was possible to identify the categories of diagnosis, school subject and
identity in relation to stigmatization, and from rigorous work of tracking and analysis, it
was concluded that having a psychological diagnosis is highly related to social stigma
and labeling by other people, which has important implications for the psychosocial
development of the stigmatized person, generating negative repercussions such as
low self-esteem, insecurity, depression, isolation, aggressiveness, stress, social fear,
shyness, feeling incapacity, among other impacts that can arise from stigmatization



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How to Cite

Cano Agudelo, D., Villegas Grajales, D., González Pérez, J., & Montoya Mejía, K. M. (2020). Social stigmatization in the school field generated by a psychological diagnosis. Poiésis, (39), 19–32.



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