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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or previously sent to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the editor).
  • The file sent is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Web addresses have been added for references where possible.
  • The text has simple line spacing; the font size is 12 points; italics are used instead of underlining (except URLs); and all the illustrations, figures and tables are inside the text in the corresponding place and not at the end of the whole.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be found in About the journal.
  • If you are sending to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, you have to make sure that the instructions in Ensuring a blind review have been followed.
  • Authors must send, together with the article, the assignment of rights document completely filled out and signed. It can be found in "Formats and documents" in the menu on the right, or it can be downloaded by copying this URL:
  • tratamiento de datos

Author Guidelines

1. The articles must be unpublished, written in Word with line spacing to 1.5 lines, with Arial font of 12 points. They should include the title, summary and keywords in Spanish and English. Maximum length: 35 pages, including tables, graphs, references, and notes.
2. The ABSTRACT or summary of the text must have 350 words or less; The summary should contain the main idea, objectives, methodology, a brief description of the findings and conclusions.
3. The keywords are presented in Spanish-English, written with initial capital and separated by; and in alphabetical order. All keywords, without exception, must be extracted from the Unesco Thesaurus, available at: They should be between three and five keywords.
4. Data of the author or authors: The document must have a note for each author, indicating in strict order: Academic formation, institutional affiliation, if it belongs to a research group, country-city, email and ORCID if it has one.
the full name, e-mail and information about the studies carried out, the current position (s) and / or the institutional affiliation.
5. If you want to highlight words or phrases in the text, preferably use italics.
6. It should be written with correct spelling and grammar. The wording should be clear and precise (syntax). Therefore, the ar

7. The citations and references should be adapted to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2010). This implies that there must be full correspondence between citations and references [see here the APA Capsules of the Editorial Fund and these links: -]. It must include the detailed information of the reference and the related numbering: Surname of the author, initials of the name of the author separated from the surnames by a comma. Year of publication in parentheses. Title of the work in italics. Place of edition: editorial.
Miller, J-A. (1991). Logic of the love life. Buenos Aires: Spring.
Tsukame, A. (1990). The drug and popular youth double exclusion. In A. Dean, The Young People of Chile today (pp. 155-169). Santiago: Three haches.
8. The article must be accompanied by the MANIFESTATION OF ASSIGNMENT OF PATRIMONIAL RIGHTS AND DECLARATION OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST, duly signed by the author. You can download it by clicking HERE.
9. If the text is a research article, the author (s) must submit a copy of the Ethics Committee's endorsement of the informed consent and assent of the research to which the text refers. This document is necessary to avoid indicating undeveloped activities or data / results collected without the necessary permissions of the natural or legal persons in these involved. Likewise, the author (s) must indicate in writing that the institutions from which the proper names are published authorize their use. Example: if the Luis Amigó Catholic University is mentioned, you must have the permission of said institution to publish your own name in any writing; Another thing would be to say the common name: Institution of Higher Education.ticles must have the correct spelling correction (style correction).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.