Fuzzy Control Strategy Applied to Adjustment of Front Steering Angle of a 4WSD Agricultural Mobile Robot
https://doi.org/10.21501/21454086.842Palabras clave:
Ackerman geometry, fuzzy controller, Two-Track Vehicle, Lateral dynamics, mobile robot, bike model, steering angle.Resumen
This paper presents the preliminary studies of the control strategy based in fuzzy logic, projected for the steering system of AGRIBOT project that consist of a wheeled autonomous mobile robotic in real scale endowed with four independent steering and driven wheels (4WSD). In this work we present a preliminary fuzzy controller design applied to front steering angle, using a multivariable plant which incorporates simplified linear model of lateral dynamics of a vehicle whose input are linear combination of rear and front steering angles. The fuzzy control strategy was decided because provides flexible way to deploy with embedded systems. Simulations are used to illustrate the designed controller performance. We use Ackerman geometry to trace front steering angle that allows the vehicle to perform correctly a given maneuver preserving a minimum level of stability and maneuverability. The goal is to establish a relationship between steering input commands and the control commands to the actuators so that it is possible to adjust the attitude of the actuators over the movement axis, as the trajectory change.Descargas
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