Innovation as a strategic asset for productivity in the technological age
Disruptive innovation, Digital technology, BigdataAbstract
This theoretical review article is approached from the concept of disruptive innovation in food companies in the city of Medellín, in order to identify how from theory, companies implement production processes to seek competitiveness and win markets. A recount is made by various authors who explain how information technologies have changed the way of doing business which in turn has led to the disappearance of large companies, as well as the emergence of large corporations that rely solely on computer systems, the data processing and automation through robots or computers. Today companies are transformed through established innovation processes, it is considered that, within the results of this theoretical review, the various ways of doing business based on technology and constant innovation are evident. In conclusion, it can be deduced that for a company to be competitive, it must take into account factors such as the efficient use of resources and the needs of the market and customers.Downloads
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