Reflection on the study of the concept of tax justice


  • Daniela González Echavarría Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana
  • Mónica María María Trujillo Vargas Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana
  • Mauricio Cortés Gil Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana



Tax justice, Fiscal sociology, Public finance, Tax research, Tax accounting


The theme raised for the development of this article is the concept of justice in the tax field, dealing with different nuances of it and its possible economic, social and political implications. The main objective for its elaboration was to analyze the concept of tax justice, within the framework of the taxes that are assigned at the different economic levels found in society. It is developed in an organized way, based on three main themes that cover the sociological, research and tax fields. For its development, the article presents the reflection built based on documentary reviews.

Taking into account the above, various positions are reviewed. The concept of justice lends itself to obtain several definitions that adapt to the context in which it is used, linking this concept with notions such as equity, society, equality, politics, evasion and fraud. In addition, this concept defines the taxes that each taxpayer must contribute to the Treasury, so that there is equity between the State and society, without neglecting the needs of different governments for the proper functioning and fulfillment of the basic needs of each individual.


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Author Biography

Daniela González Echavarría, Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana

Antioquia, Medellín


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How to Cite

González Echavarría, D., María Trujillo Vargas, M. M., & Cortés Gil, M. (2020). Reflection on the study of the concept of tax justice. Science of Human Action, 4(2), 239–254.


