The Human Talent: A Strategic Factor for Innovation and Organizational Transformation


  • Natally Yepes Baena Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



Human talent, Innovation, Organizational learning, Organizational transformation, Strategic factor.


This article is derived from a research project, the study was conducted from a qualitative, descriptive, with an inductive cut, with a cross-type design and the information collection instrument was a semi-structured interview. Thus, the article presents an analysis of current trends in human management and organizational learning. From this, a decisive strategic factor can be created that guarantees an increase in productivity and sustainable competitiveness in companies; For this reason, human management is exposed as the main cause of organizational transformation, since it enables the participation of personnel in the changes generated in the culture and organizational structure, allowing an improvement in the development and results of the company. For this reason, it is very important for today’s companies to consider that human
talent management is a competitive and innovative tool that allows the company to transcend the market and achieve the proposed objectives.


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Author Biography

Natally Yepes Baena, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

Antioquia, Medellín


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How to Cite

Yepes Baena, N. (2019). The Human Talent: A Strategic Factor for Innovation and Organizational Transformation. Science of Human Action, 4(1), 147–163.



Sociedad, Empresa e Innovación