Effects on the financial information of the co-ownership group III due to the convergence in accounting regulations in Colombia
Accounting for co-ownership, Financial information, Accounting convergence process, Accounting regulation.Abstract
Given the process of convergence towards the new financial information standards and their respective implications for all sectors of the economy, a study was carried out with the objective of identifying the financial effects of the convergence in accounting regulations in Colombia in the information of the horizontal properties belonging to group III, according to decree 2706 of 2012 and later compiled in DUR 2420 of 2015. For this study, a sample of financial statements of ten (10) horizontal properties was taken, according to the dates of convergence established by law. The main results were based on three fundamental pillars: a) the little impact towards convergence; b) the lack of clarity in the application of the technical guidance 15 of 2015 issued by the CTCP and c) the incorrect application of the accounting criteria in accordance with guidance 15 and the NIF by the professionals in the field.Downloads
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