Socioeconomic updates of Eastern Antioquia and its growth projection articulated with the role of Antioquia University, eastern campus


  • Diana Patricia Marulanda Marín Universidad de Antioquia
  • José Alfredo Martínez Herrera Universidad de Antioquia



Higher education, Public policies, Social inclusion, Economic development.


The following text seeks to make an analysis of the recent socioeconomic trends of the Eastern subregion, according to its economic base and available resources, the living conditions of its inhabitants, its infrastructure and the services it has; likewise, the articulation that the region has had with some territorial entities such as the University of Antioquia. This paper is an input for local governments and the University of Antioquia to continue working jointly with the productive sector, and determine which sectors to target and how to direct public and private efforts to strengthen the competitiveness indicators of the region. Therefore, the following sections present an analysis of the reports presented in the Statistical Yearbook of Antioquia for the years 2015 to 2017 (Gobernación de Antioquia 2015–2017) referring to the Eastern sub region, in order to make a socio-economic diagnosis of the region and with it, to translate, to where the capabilities of the region should point. This analysis is based on the revision of the figures of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE, 2017), of the DAP–National Department of Planning 2017, data has been also taken from the official information of the Government of Antioquia (Statistical Yearbook of Antioquia for the years 2015 to 2017), and reports of the Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Antioquia–CCOA of the year 2016


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Author Biography

Diana Patricia Marulanda Marín, Universidad de Antioquia

Antioquia, Medellín


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How to Cite

Marulanda Marín, D. P., & Martínez Herrera, J. A. (2018). Socioeconomic updates of Eastern Antioquia and its growth projection articulated with the role of Antioquia University, eastern campus. Science of Human Action, 3(2), 359–390.



Sociedad, Empresa e Innovación