Structural capital as a generator of financial value in SMEs
Structural capital, Intellectual capital, Financial value, SMEs.Abstract
In the knowledge era, organizations are based on key intangible resources for their development, in this way, it is important to establish strategies to generate financial value in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from their structural capital. This research was based on the study of the theoretical constructs of Mantilla (2004), it was done under a quantitative, empiricist epistemological approach called positivist paradigm as well, framed in a transactional nonexperimental and field design. This kind of methodology was taken into account, considering the population of the SMEs of the Carirubana municipality of the state of Falcón, Venezuela, where four hundred and eighty-eight (488) companies surveyed as a sample population in the research. For the analysis and interpretation of results, descriptive statistics were used. These results were shown through tables which reflect an interaction between human and structural capital; the interaction develops and makes it posible to achieve objectives by using organizational tools and individual decisión making. In spite of companies refer to know the structural capital components, there is few precisions to identify them related to it. An example of this situation is the case of intellectual property, present in organizations, which denotes some weaknesses related to trade secrets, trademarks and trademarks of services. Those elements should be considered when SMEs look for organizing and managing their knowledge and resources through guidelines or which allow them to trace the path to recognize intellectual capital.Downloads
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