Relevance of the international standards of financial information in the Colombian context based on the efficient markets hypothesis
International standards of financial information, Market efficiency, Financial information, Information asymmetry.Abstract
The paper intends to make a theoretical and conceptual approach to international standards of financial information, in the light of the proposals of the efficient market hypothesis from Eugene Fama and some criticisms and questions that other theorists like Hyme have made to its authoritative belief in the efficiency of markets, with this purpose, articles of reflection and research were studied from the field of financial and accounting theory, which on the one hand offer an understanding of the aspects that characterize a market as efficient and frictions and shortcomings that are found in the predominant postulates by the financial trend led by Fama since 1970, and how these postulates have permeated and hampered the proposal of an accounting model that dialogues with its political, social and ethical context, in order to conclude that in every market there are asymmetries and questions that although in practice result apparently obvious, the eagerness of the financial current to model reality and contrast empirical models in an environment of agent rationality has eluded that the market is permeated by speculation, volatility, motivations, interest and expectations of its users.Downloads
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