Influence of the FTA between Colombia and the United States of America on the financial performance of the company Colanta in the period 2009-2016
Financial performance, Free trade agreement, Dairy sector, Export.Abstract
Colanta is a representative company of the dairy sector in Colombia, for which it is a benchmark to analyze its financial impact in relation to the Free Trade Agreement (FTA). The objective of the project, which is the basis of this article, is to identify the effects on Colanta’s financial performance during the enforcement of the FTA between Colombia and the United States in 2012. To this end, the financial indicators were calculated, taking into account their base financial statements for the period 2009-2016. With the obtained data, the indicators were analyzed and complemented with a study of the behavior of the dairy sector to contextualize the various reasons that affected the financial performance of Colanta. Despite the enforcement of the FTA, the indicators of liquidity, profitability and indebtedness did not show significant variations because Colanta diversified its production lines to have alternatives in the supply of its products in the domestic market and abroad, achieving a constant growth at a financial level, reflected in the figures presented in its assets and income during the years of the analysis. The investigation is a case study and the method is descriptive, qualitative and quantitative or mixed
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