Support and government programs as a source of financing for the livestock industry: a comparative study Mexico, Costa Rica
Financing, Funding sources, Government supports, Mexico cattle industry, Costa Rica cattle industry.Abstract
For a company to be successful, access to financing sources is fundamental. The livestock industry in Latin America is a marginal sector of credit. The governments of countries such as Mexico and Costa Rica promote different supports or programs so that producers can access financing. In the case of Mexico, non-reimbursable support is granted for investments in strategic productive areas, and Costa Rica grants financing programs with low rates, grace period, guarantees, terms and accessible payments, in some cases the financing is accompanied by non-reimbursable support, technical assistance and training. In both countries, this aid represents a very important source of financing, since for a large part of the livestock companies it is the only option to access a credit. The objective of this study is to compare the support and government programs for livestock in Mexico and Costa Rica, to determine their relevance as a source of financing. The research is documentary, descriptive in nature.Downloads
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