Explanatory components of intellectual capital in software developing companies in Colombia


  • Carlos Eduardo Sáenz Castillo Universidad de Medellín, Colombia




Intangible assets, intellectual capital, Principal component analysis, multiple linear regression


In recent years, Colombia has experienced an overwhelming arrival of foreign companies that specialized in the technological sector. During the last decade, there has been a great interest in the measurement, management, and valuation of intangible assets in companies, especially in Colombia, that are committed to the design and development of software; nevertheless, there has not been established a unified model that can be applied to assess and manage the intellectual capital (IC). 

This research aims to identify the explanatory components of the IC on the companies that create software in Colombia. In this type of companies, the IC potential explanatory variables are identified and evaluated through a survey intended for software developers of the most relevant companies of the N Route. In here, an analysis of the essential components and a multiple linear regression is performed to establish the explicative parts of the IC in these kinds of enterprises. The IC is analyzed in three dimensions: the human capital (HC), the relational capital (RC), and the structural capital (SC); finding that the HC is defined by the academical training components, openness, investment, retaining knowledge, working experience, competences, and skills.  Also, the SC is defined by the documenting components, protection and promotion of knowledge, corporate identity, and acquired technology; lastly, the RC is defined by the strategic alliance components and the recognition of the market.


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Author Biography

Carlos Eduardo Sáenz Castillo, Universidad de Medellín, Colombia

Antioquia, Medellín


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How to Cite

Sáenz Castillo, C. E. (2018). Explanatory components of intellectual capital in software developing companies in Colombia. Science of Human Action, 3(1), 153–175. https://doi.org/10.21501/2500-669X.2714



Sociedad, Empresa e Innovación