Evolution of the financial performance of companies in the bovine meat sector of the Córdoba department in the 2012-2015 period: a look from neopatrimonialism
Heritage evolution, Meat sector, Financial analysis, NeopatrimonialismAbstract
The main intention of this article is to evaluate the evolution of the financial performance of companies in the meat sector in the department of Córdoba (Colombia), in the light of the analysis from the neopatrimonial theory. The methodological approach addressed is the case study on descriptive depth, with results for companies Frigosinú S.A. and Red Cárnica S.A.S. which represent the largest share of the meat market in the region. Because it is a novel analysis of which there is no empirical evidence for the country, the neopatrimonialist financial analysis model was contrasted with the traditional financial analysis. The findings indicate that both companies, from the point of view of the models, need to increase their profit margin, to support their cost structure through an efficient management of the administration, and that they present severe problems that can lead to the collapse of the operating systems from the financial perspective.
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