Satisfaction at Work: An Analysis of the salary and labor conditions of the Public Accountant




Satisfaction, accounting work, wage, accountant.


This article aims to analyze how the salary and labor conditions of the public accountant determine their job satisfaction. The results were obtained using model Probit, applied to a set of data from 328 surveys conducted to accountants in the city of Bogotá. Some of the salient results show that women are less satisfied than men, that as the age advanced the accountant is more likely to be satisfied, that indefinite contracts increase the probability of being “very satisfied”, and that as wages increase, the overall probability of satisfaction with work increases.


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Author Biography

Ángel David Roncancio García, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

Antioquia, Medellín


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How to Cite

Roncancio García, Ángel D., Camargo Mayorga, D. A., & Cardona García, O. (2017). Satisfaction at Work: An Analysis of the salary and labor conditions of the Public Accountant. Science of Human Action, 2(2), 302–317.



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