Environmental strategic information system in designing an environmental balance


  • Yaneth Pérez López Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar




Environmental balance, eco-efficiency, information systems, strategic planning.


Economic globalization has generated changes in organizations, the importance of having a comprehensive manager with strategic, organizational and leadership competences, as an essential and distinguishing element in a highly competitive market, added to the need for strategic planning based on a general overview and strategic diagnosis.
That perception is vital for any company interested in being attractive to all market actors, it should be careful and projects itself so that the impact will become a positive factor that will remain it above its competitors, and at the same time it will be in the first place of customers and users’ mind at the time of making purchasing decisions.
In this paper the information system of a dairy enterprise is analyzed, based on the environmental management system of the company, that identifies a research problem framed in the principles of eco-efficiency as an element for the construction of an Environmental Balance.


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Author Biography

Yaneth Pérez López, Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar



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How to Cite

Pérez López, Y. (2017). Environmental strategic information system in designing an environmental balance. Science of Human Action, 2(1), 117–127. https://doi.org/10.21501/2500-669X.2325



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