Environmental dimension of company social responsibility in the hotel sector in riohacha (la guajira–Colombia)
Tourism, social entrepreneurial responsibility, hotel sector, environmental dimension.Abstract
This article aims to make an approach to the environmental social responsibility, from the perspective of Riohacha hotel sector (La Guajira-Colombia), with descriptive focus, and transactional – descriptive non- experimental hotel sector design. The purpose of this research was to determine the practices of entrepreneurial social responsibility, managed by hotel companies of Riohacha, that is why the environmental dimension variable of entrepreneurial-social responsibility was analyzed; a questionnaire was applied, the non-probabilistic sample of 20 hotels between one and three stars taken from a population of 62 hotels; the results showed that 85% of the hotels do not comply national environment laws of the sector, 25% of the hotels do not minimize the wastes of the processes of services supply, 63% search for the optimization of the consumption of electricity and water; and 65% of the companies have environmental awareness programs and recycling over the company´s areas. It was concluded that there is a lack of social-environmental responsibility, as well as gaps in the rules and policies implementation by managers and / or hotels´ owners for the Preservation of the Environment.Downloads
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