certification, business, quality, trade, technical standardization, security, knowledge, use.Abstract
Facing the highly competitive environment that currently exists in the business industry, it’s highly necessary in the companies the arrangement in security quality and productivity process in their operations, and guaranty someway their permanency in the market. In this context the qualifications becomes the main character that generates clear rules, standardized and accepted by the companies that allows them to compete in equal footing; this has made that the interest of studying this subject increased lately, however, in the Eastern antioqueño, it has not been so much research in this subject.
The present study addresses the level of knowledge and application of the certifications by the 85 institutions located in the highlands of Eastern Antioqueño, the investigation was descriptive, exploratory, with a qualitative perspective, for the collection of the information was obtain by a survey, this information was tabulated and analyzed. As a conclusion this theme its relevant for the businessmen, that the companies surveyed know and have some kind of certification, considering that by having a document that proves that their products or productive process adjust to certain norms that can help to improve the intern performance allows them to enter in some countries that value in a positive way this kind of practices. However the cost to keep them and maintain them tend to be limiting for the small and medium companies located in the region.
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