From classic knowledge to work as a possibility of change


  • Octavio Huertas Torres Multiversidad Mundo Real. México, DF



Scientific Method, complex thought, psychology, organization, working life.


In this text, the reader is exposed to a critical journey through the basics of the scientific method and its importance as a means to generate knowledge, which will later lead to the analysis of some aspects related to work. For this purpose, concepts such as bioethics and procrastination are taken into account, which results in a complex thought based approach, a comprehensive proposal to counter the effects of immediacy among workers within the business sector.
It considers the possibility of combining elements of group therapy, analytical psychology and organizational psychology through complex thought; and it is intended to open room for reflective scenarios within companies, which may contribute somehow to rescue the sense of  individuality behind job functions. Rather than claiming to be the best alternative, the proposal of generating group meetings, intends to arouse interest in the issues discussed, by inviting readers to questioning and then searching for alternatives which may help to raise awareness and which, leaning on psychology, may improve workers’ quality of life.


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Author Biography

Octavio Huertas Torres, Multiversidad Mundo Real. México, DF



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How to Cite

Huertas Torres, O. (2016). From classic knowledge to work as a possibility of change. Science of Human Action, 1(1), 117–127.



Sociedad, Empresa e Innovación