About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Purpose and scope



Publish articles related to Administrative Sciences, Economics, Accounting, International Business and related areas, with the purpose of providing scientific and academic knowledge in the areas in question.



The journal is aimed at students, researchers, professionals and people interested in research, scientific and academic topics of the different educational, productive, and business sectors that develop activities related to the administrative, economic, accounting and international business areas.


About the Name:


Armand Hatchuel (2000), professor at the Ecole de Mines de Paris and deputy director of the Center de Gestion Scientifique, proposes the creation of an "unprecedented axiomatic of collective action" based on a review of the role of the administration and the company in society to take them out of what he calls the "metaphysics of action" [1] and take it to a scientific project organized around collective action as an object of study in which the knowledge of individuals in relationships is inseparable social (principle of non-separability) that men weave in the development of their work and their production.


The sciences of management, for Hatchuel, were born without a central object or conceptual core (that is, without a coeur or core to use respectively the French and English meanings) and must seek to define one around which they can build a knowledge project. The company, in the pedagogical principles of the administration, was given as the object of reference, but it can not be constituted as such because the diversity of the phenomena that it contains (economic, accounting, legal, social, psychological, commercial) requires a greater precision as to what really matters to the administration. But it is not the company itself the object but the reflective and transforming action of the subjects immersed in the process of doing business, which must be focused as the object of management interest; collective business action that, although it is not the only form of collective action, is one of the most universal taking into account that humanity has almost entirely been ruled in capitalism and the concurrent market as a way of managing its subsistence and progress.


From this epistemological proposal, it is justifiable that the administrative and accounting disciplines have as object of study the business human action, therefore it is very pertinent that there is a publication with global pretension that discloses its production, which demands a title in English, which would facilitate the reception of articles in English and indexing in high-impact databases such as ISI and Scopus.

From the name of the journal seeks to integrate administrative sciences, economic, accounting and authors that publish in it taking into account the various areas of knowledge show their experiences, reflections, notes, developments. In order to improve knowledge management.




Types of articles received: Receive Articles according to the document Guide: Permanent Service of Indexing of Colombian Science, Technology and Innovation Journals (Administrative Department of Science, 2010), of the following type:


Scientific and technological research articles: Document that presents, in a detailed manner, the original results of completed research projects. The structure generally used contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.


Reflection articles: Document that presents results of research completed from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.


 Review article: Document resulting from a completed research where the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in a field of science or technology, in order to account for advances and development techniques. It is characterized by presenting a bibliographic review of at least 50 references.


Short article: Short document that presents preliminary or partial original results of a scientific or technological research, which usually requires an early dissemination.


Structure of the Articles: The articles must be unpublished, typed in Word to space and medium, with Arial font of 12 points, with a minimum length of 16 pages and a maximum of 25 in letter size paper including the cover, tables and illustrations, notes bibliographical references. It must include the title, summary and keywords in Spanish and English. In the event that the article is written in a foreign language other than English, both the title and the abstract and the keywords must be translated into this language and into Spanish; the rest of the content will remain in the original language.


The maximum length of the titles must be 12 words, which describe the main idea of the article. The use of numbers, symbols and abbreviations will be avoided, as they make it difficult to search in databases, catalogs and indexing systems.

Each article must include the name of the author (s), understood as the person (s) responsible directly for the writing of the content. Each author must include a footnote with the following information in strict order: the name as usually recorded in their publications, last level of training, institution (without abbreviations) to which it belongs, city, country, email and research group, if it belongs to one.

The summary must be analytical, of maximum 250 words. In the case of articles, research products will include the objective, the methodology, the size of the sample, the strategies or instruments to collect the information and the main results found. In the case of articles that are not the result of research, the summary must, in the same way, clearly and succinctly express the objective of the article, the main assumptions of which it leaves, the arguments and authors it uses as support and the thesis or the theses that structure it.

The tables. They must be identified consecutively with numbers (table 1), have a specifically descriptive heading, be cited in the text, abbreviations, symbols explained and indicate the source at the bottom of the table.

The figures. When the support of tables, graphs, maps will be part of the text, it must be identified consecutively with numbers (figure 1), have a descriptive heading, be cited in the text, abbreviations, symbols explained and indicate the source at the bottom of the figure.

For the references and the citation, the APA guidelines, sixth edition, will be used.






• Title in Spanish and English.


• Analytical summary in Spanish and English with a maximum length of 250 words describing the central idea, the objectives, conclusions, and in case of being an article of scientific research, the methodology.

• Five keywords in Spanish and English, from a thesaurus of the discipline.


• Review of the author that indicates: the name and the two surnames, last level of training, institution (without abbreviations) to which it belongs, city, country, email and research group, if it belongs to one .


Formal Requirements


The text should be sent in Microsoft Word, letter size, with margins of 3cm on each side of the sheet, with space 1.5, Arial font, with a size of 12.





• The citation system will use the APA system, 6th edition.


• Textual citations of three lines or less must be incorporated into the text using quotation marks. Extensive textual citations should be separated from the text by a space at each end and tabulated from the left margin without the use of quotation marks. In both cases the source should be quoted as follows: author, year and page number of the text, as well as its complete reference.


• Quotations in the text: the surname of the author and the date of the work is included in parentheses within the sentence.


• If the author's last name is included in the sentence, only the date in parentheses is written, for example:

According to Saldarriaga (2011), being with the "other" is virtually the clear demonstration of the deepest loneliness.

• If the author is not included in the sentence, the surname and date are written in parentheses: Being with the "other" virtually, is the clear demonstration of the deepest loneliness (Saldarriaga, 2011).


• If the work has more than two authors, the first time with the last name of all the authors is mentioned, in the subsequent mentions, only the surname of the first author is written, followed by the abbreviation et al: The study of political theory it is important for the future of nations (Villa, Díaz, Ortega & Perdomo, 2001) Villa et al. (2001) establishes that an interdisciplinary reading is a priority for the historical analysis of political ideas.


• If the work has more than six authors, et al. From the first mention.


• Footnotes are used only to clarify or provide additional information. Not for bibliographical references.





• Books with author: Surname, A, A. (Year). Title. City: editorial.


• Electronic books: Surname, A, A. (Year). Title. Retrieved from http: /


• Book with editor: Surname, A, A, (Ed.). (Year). Title. City: Editorial.


Book chapters or reference work


• Surname, A, A. & Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In Surname, C. C. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. XX -XX). City: Editorial.


• Surname, A, A. & Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In Surname, C. C. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. XX -XX). City: Editorial. Retrieved from http: / / www.xxx.xx


Periodical publication


• Printed magazine article: Surname, A. A. (Year). Article title. Title of publication, volume (number), pp. XX-XX.


• Website article: Surname, A. A. (Year). Article title. Title of publication, volume (number), pp. XX-XX. Retrieved from http: // www.xxx.xx




• The author must send completed the declaration of transfer of economic rights and declaration of conflicts of interest, which will be provided by the management of the magazine. This document indicates the originality of the article, which is not published in another medium and that is not simultaneously postulated in another journal.


• The author will transfer all rights to the article to the journal Science Of Human Action.


• Once the evaluation of the article has begun, the authors agree not to withdraw it until the end of the process.


• Surname, A, A. & Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In Surname, C. C. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. XX -XX). City: Editorial.


• Surname, A, A. & Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In Surname, C. C. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. XX -XX). City: Editorial. Retrieved from http: / / www.xxx.xx


Periodical publication


• Printed magazine article: Surname, A. A. (Year). Article title. Title of publication, volume (number), pp. XX-XX.


• Website article: Surname, A. A. (Year). Article title. Title of publication, volume (number), pp. XX-XX. Retrieved from http: // www.xxx.xx




• The author must send completed the declaration of transfer of economic rights and declaration of conflicts of interest, which will be provided by the management of the magazine. This document indicates the originality of the article, which is not published in another medium and that is not simultaneously postulated in another journal.


• The author will transfer all rights to the article to the journal Science Of Human Action.


• Once the evaluation of the article has begun, the authors agree not to withdraw it until the end of the process.




• The Editorial Committee, by virtue of transparency in the processes, will ensure the academic quality of the journal.


• Causes of rejection are considered: plagiarism, adulteration, invention or falsification of content and author data, which are not original and unpublished.


• In no case, the journal's management will require the author to cite it or publish articles with conflicts of interest.


• If once the article is published: 1) the author discovers substantive errors that threaten the quality or scientificity, may request its removal or correction. 2) If a third party detects the error, it is the obligation of the author to retract immediately and proceed to the public removal or correction.




The contribution must be sent only through the following mail.




Farley Rojas Restrepo

Magazine Editor

Science Of Human Action

[1] Hatchuel in his preliminary diagnosis, considers that traditionally the administration has been organized around supraideas or metaphysics of the action (the utilities, the strategy, the organizational culture, the leader, etc.) that seek to totalize and impose in a exogenous to the acting collectives, behaviors alien to their social dynamics.

Peer Review Process



The Science Of Human Action journal will submit the articles received for initial evaluation by the Editorial Committee, in case the Committee finds the material pertinent, it will be evaluated by two anonymous referees who will determine if it is publishable. If one referee approves and the other rejects it, a third party will be appointed.



The Science Of Human Action Magazine is a semi-annual serial publication.



This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making research available to the public free of charge supports a greater exchange of global knowledge.


The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.




Scientific Quality


Editorial quality








Scientific Quality The IBN Publindex has a committee of experts that verify the originality and scientific quality of the published documents. It is considered that the published documents correspond to the following description:

Research and Innovation Article. Document that presents the original and unpublished production, published in a journal of scientific, technological or academic content, the result of research, reflection or revision processes, which has been subject to peer evaluation. In no case will be accepted as "research and innovation article" contributions such as publications not derived from research, summaries, communications to congresses, letters to the editor, book reviews, bibliographies, institutional bulletins, editorial notes, obituaries,

News or translations of articles already published in another medium, columns of opinion or conjuncture, and similar (this applies even in cases where it is documented that the aforementioned types of contributions have been subject to peer evaluation).



Editorial quality The technical team of IBN Publindex verifies that the journals integrate the editorial standards that characterize serial publications in the field of science and technology. This verification is carried out at three levels: i) Magazine, ii) Fascicle, iii) Article.



Bibliographic citation. Set of detailed data that allows the identification of a publication or a part of it, facilitates the revision of documents, whatever their format and their editorial characteristics. There are different citation rules according to the study area (APA, ISO, Vancouver among others) so that other researchers can identify and cite the article.


Stability. The stability of a scientific journal is associated with its age and strict compliance with the publication dates according to the declared periodicity.




Luis Amigó Catholic University


Faculty of Administrative, Economic and Accounting Sciences



Publication Frequency

Science of Human Magazine is a semi-annual serial publication.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making research available to the public free of charge supports a greater exchange of global knowledge.

License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Under the following terms:
Attribution - You must give credit appropriately, provide a link to the license, and indicate whether changes have been made. You may do so in any reasonable way, but not in a way that suggests that you or your use have the support of the licensor.

NonCommercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

SinDerivadas - If you remix, transform or create from the material, you can not distribute the modified material.

No additional restrictions - You can not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from making any use permitted by the license.

Plagiarism detection policy

The editor will verify the relevance of the article, in accordance with the policies of the journal and supported by the Ithenticate, software that detects errors in the handling of appointments, possible copies and plagiarism. If it considers it viable, it will send the article to the arbitrators; otherwise it will report the findings to the author and discard it. The articles must have a minimum originality level of 75%.

CrossMark Policy

The Luis Amigó Catholic University uses Crossmark to keep its readers informed about the changes and the history of the articles published in its journals, in such a way that its contents are reliable.

CrossMark is an initiative of CrossRef that allows to control the versions and the state of the document. Thus, the Luis Amigó Catholic University demonstrates that
recognizes the importance of maintaining the integrity of the articles, as these are academic and investigative records.



Sources of Support

Faculty of Administrative, Economic and Accounting Sciences.