A monologue for the voice and the word
Voice, Word, Language, Mother tongue, Language.Abstract
It is evident that the human being was endowed with a great gift: language, the one that pervades him from his first years of life and allows him to know, express, feel and relate. This one is spoken, written, read, interpreted in so many ways; But also, the one which is, careless or perhaps disinterested, mistreated in its essence, is corrupted in its true sense. And within that gift it is also called language, the language appears, as a peculiarity of a human group, in our case the Castilian language, better known as Spanish, so rich in spelling, in styles, in colors, but also so vulnerable by the daring proposals that try to change its sound and even its essence. So this article, by personal description of the authors, and without the intention of offending or imposing, seeks to incite the reflection of each reader, in order to give him the place that the language deserves, and to save it why not from so much abuse.Downloads
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