A philosophical perspective from television and its intellectual and ideological consequences


  • Eddie Santiago Mesa Monroy Universidad Católica Luis Amigó




TV, Philosophy, Ideology, Knowledge, Simulation.


This hermeneutic-interpretative exercise focuses on an analysis of how the misuse of television generates a decline in it, how it can turn knowledge into a propaganda or generate an ideology and how philosophy can take advantage of this means for the evolution of its discipline since its good use, besides forming and creating the possibility of a new method for the propaedeutics of the philosophy evolving to a new system established in education and out of it. Promoting a philosophy of television as the opportunity for the concept and image to be applied in a conscious and rational way.


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Author Biography

Eddie Santiago Mesa Monroy, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



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How to Cite

Mesa Monroy, E. S. (2019). A philosophical perspective from television and its intellectual and ideological consequences. Revista Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, (3), 201–217. https://doi.org/10.21501/25907565.3266


