Transition from initial education into primary education and their impact on the development of creative thinking during childhood




School transition, Initial education, Primary education, Creative thinking.


The purpose of this article is to address the various perspectives on the transition from initial education to primary education and their impact on the development of creative thinking, which poses as a general objective, to understand the relationship between the transition between initial education into primary education and the development of creative thinking in boys and girls according to the perspective of their teachers in private and public schools in Medellín. A qualitative research was used with a case study methodology and a semi-structured interview, as the main instruments for the collection of information acquired from all the teachers participating in the research.
During the process, there was evidence of the differences and similarities and how both public and private educational institutions are affected, as well as the expectations that all of the educators can perceived about the transition from initial education into primary education.


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Author Biography

Martha Katherine Castro Díaz, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



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How to Cite

Castro Díaz, M. K., Atehortúa, N. G., Álvarez Herrera, M., Benítez Berrio, V., & Álvarez Gallego, M. M. (2019). Transition from initial education into primary education and their impact on the development of creative thinking during childhood. Revista Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, (3), 183–199.


