Externalizing the problem and the relationship with the systemic family therapy





Family therapy, Narrative therapy, Outsourcing of the problem, Therapeutic context, Social constructionism.


This article was based on a bibliographic tracking, on the notions of externalizing the problem of narrative therapy and the systemic family therapy. It was developed through a qualitative type research, with a methodological approach of hermeneutic scope, using a documentary research as a strategy. Texts, articles and other sources were analyzed in order to find the relationship between externalizations of the problem and the systemic family therapy. The results show that the outsourcing of the problem is the central axis of narrative therapy; Also, this concept was the most used by family therapists who left cybernetics aside to make way for a social constructionism.


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Author Biography

Diana Katherine Guerrero Pulgarín, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



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How to Cite

Guerrero Pulgarín, D. K., Montoya Álvarez, S. J., Álvarez Cuartas, V., & Moreno Copete, Z. E. (2019). Externalizing the problem and the relationship with the systemic family therapy. Revista Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, (3), 63–79. https://doi.org/10.21501/25907565.3259


