Education and its ethical component: learning to live together and learning to be in it


  • Alexander Rodríguez Bustamante Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Fabián Herrera Morales Universidad de Caldas
  • Manuel Fernando Guerrero Santacruz Universidad Mariana



Education, School, Coexistence, Transformation.


The present text has been written with three voices to ratify the idea of why education today continues to be the basis for our society that constantly shouts the need to return to the essentials: living together and living with others. Schools from their institutionality, summons us to think about it, from their everyday discourses, corporalities, meanings, signifiers, jumps, colors, encounters and disagreements. The following pages are not intended to be a formula for thinking about the School system and how to transform it but more as a   calling to all with the intention of living it as a possibility and as a permanent encounter of our voices as a way to learn and to be.


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Author Biography

Alexander Rodríguez Bustamante, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



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How to Cite

Rodríguez Bustamante, A., Herrera Morales, F., & Guerrero Santacruz, M. F. (2018). Education and its ethical component: learning to live together and learning to be in it. Revista Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, (2), 155–165.


