The youth worldview cosmovision: ethical-anthropological perspectives on the crisis of culture
Youth worldview, Humanism, Crisis, Moral anthropology.Abstract
The youth worldview cosmovision is a concept that embraces the human identity of the new generations. The way this is evidenced is from the crises of humanity, culture and education, which encourage reflection on the concrete reality of young people, their emotions and their perspectives. In our educational institutions, whether they are public or private, basic, middle or higher education, these problems are visualized in a very concrete way that goes beyond problems, they are new paradigms that ethics and anthropology must address. Although in some cases that marked moralism and the anthropology of medieval times it seems, are those that emphasize what to do with humanity, it is quite interesting, at least in some modern time actions that a new type of customs and ways of thinking will surely shape a more humanist and a freer generation.Downloads
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