The evidence of language policies in a public school: I.E Diego Echavarría Masses




Bilingualism, Education system, Globalization, Language policy, National programs.


Due to the influences of globalization during the past tense, Colombia has implemented different language policies for the improvement of education. Social reality has been an obstacle for stakeholders at the time to cope with English. Different programs have been formulated by the National Government in Colombia. Some of them are PNB 2004-2018 (National Bilingualism Plan), The National law of Bilingualism in 2013 (Bilingualism Law), PNI 2015-2025 (National English Program), and most recently Colombia Bilingüe 2014-2018. They all tried to offer different strategies in order to improve the English level in Colombia; However, many studies have criticized those programs because they have not yielded the expected results. Despite criticisms, the last ICFES results published in 2015-2016 have shown that certain institutions have achieved favorable results in English. As a result, this study wants to explore how I.E. Diego Echavarría Misas is implementing language policies to obtain good results in the English national test. To carry this out, data collection techniques will be applied to different participants who work in the institution.


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Author Biography

Dilan Pino Granda, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



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How to Cite

Pino Granda, D., Restrepo, E., Grajales, J. I., Córdoba, J., & Jaramillo Montoya, D. (2018). The evidence of language policies in a public school: I.E Diego Echavarría Masses. Revista Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, (2), 88–104.


