Implementation of language policies at the educational institute Santos Ángeles Custodios
National English Exam, Strengthening of English, Globalization, Implementation of Language Policies, Instrumentalization of the language, Linguistic politic.Abstract
Language policies have been a controversial issue regarding the teaching-learning process of English in Colombia. Some authors have mentioned the implications that globalization and the adoption of external agendas have had in the implementation process in the classrooms. The schools and the creators of the policy have tried to design plans for the improvement of the educational conditions and these have had an impact on national exams such as the Saber Tests 11. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the Santos Ángeles Custodios Educational Institution is implementing language policies to achieve good results in the national English exams. The participants in this study were three students, one English teacher and one manager. The categories assigned for the analysis of the data were the linguistic policies, their implementation process and their impact. It was proved that linguistic policies are being implemented to obtain good results at the institution, which can be evidenced through the strengthening of English since primary school, the teaching profile, the use of texts and the instrumentalization of the language. To conclude, English has a great importance in the institution which has opened a door there into new alternatives with respect to English which indicates that there are processes of appropriation.Downloads
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