Disclosure of active methodologies of evaluation of competency-based learning
Assessment, active methodologies, skills, learningAbstract
In order to improve the quality of learning processes of teachers in higher education, we have reviewed existing research on best practices that result from solid conceptual contributions to ensure the best results in achieving effective learning for professional life. As a result, this article proposes that higher education teachers must obtain the necessary expertise in the performance of a four-stage learning process combined with deep knowledge of the principles and practices of their particular discipline, to guarantee success in facilitating student’s learning. The four stages of this process are: a) determining the student´s expected professional results, b) adequate translation skills that allow you to generate these results, c) the proper selection and application of active methodologies facilitating the development of these skills and d) the effective use of assessment methodologies of learning process based in competencies, all of them consistent with those used for the generation and facilitation practice. Since fourth stage of the process becomes the most important in the verification of the other three, it is necessary that educative institutions provide a complete instruction that encourages understanding of its importance and how to incorporate it as a practice of working life teacher. Therefore, this article puts in consideration of academics, structure and development of the contents of a training course on active learning methodologies based in competency evaluation.
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