Influence of the Catholic Church on Antioquia’s cuisine


  • Santiago Naranjo Ramírez Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



Antioquia´s cuisine, Food, Catholic church, Food influences.


This article pretends to generate an interest in discovering and preserving the different cuisine influences that have been building our “paisa” food culture through time. All these customs were given thanks to a mix of influences that occurred between the people of Antioquia and the teachings that the Catholic Church brought with it, resulting in food standards, preparation techniques, customs and ingredients, which gave an identity to Antioquia’s cuisine. This article has been done through a qualitative study, in which the food culture heritage of the population of Antioquia is studied from an ethnographic perspective, describing how the Catholic Church has permeated Antioquia’s food culture.


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Author Biography

Santiago Naranjo Ramírez, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

Medellín, Antioquia


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How to Cite

Naranjo Ramírez, S. (2017). Influence of the Catholic Church on Antioquia’s cuisine. JSR Funlam Journal of Students’ Research, (2), 76–84.



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