About the Journal

Focus and Scope

1. Focus
1.1. Presentation

Funlam Journal of Students' Research is an academic, annual, publication of quality articles written by the Amigonian academic community. The texts are the result of participation in seedbeds of research or the product of sound reflection and theoretical relevance in the fields of Administrative, Economic and Accounting Sciences; Social and Human Sciences; Political Sciences; Education; Philosophy and Theology; Engineering and related areas. In this way, it hopes to contribute to the development of skills, investigative, reflective, analytical, critical and knowledge transfer skills.

1.2. Target audience and scope

This serial publication is freely accessible and is aimed at university students and professionals who are related to the fields of knowledge described above, and the general public interested in the topics presented.

2. Guidelines for submitting articles

2.1. Authorship

The texts of the Funlam Journal of Students' Research are written by students of higher education, especially amigonians; that is, they are responsible for the intellectual creation of the content that is published in this space of visibility, integration and dissemination of the academic and research activities that take place in the learning scenarios.
2.2. Characteristics of form

The articles are received typed in Word to space and a half, with Arial font of 12 points and margins of three centimeters on all sides.
The citations, references and tables should be presented in accordance with the formal recommendations of the latest edition of APA (sequence, line management, indentation, line spacing and so on).
In case of having photos, these should be in resolution of 300 pixels. If they are taken from other books or from the internet they must have and present the publication permits. If they are owned by the author, they must have the permissions of those who appear in them, if they are people.

Content characteristics

The articles must be unpublished and not be jointly postulated in another journal (s) or publications; therefore, the rights over them have not been assigned in advance and there is no burden or limitation on their use or use.
Each article must include the name of the author (s) and a footnote with the following information in strict order: last level of formation, program to which it belongs + Luis Amigó Catholic University, city, email and research group, in case it belongs to one.
In case you have had a teacher advisor, the footnote will include the name, program to which Luis Amigó Catholic University belongs and research group, if it belongs to one.
It must include the title, summary and keywords in Spanish and English:
The maximum length of the titles must be 12 words, which describe the main idea of the article. The use of numbers, symbols and abbreviations will be avoided, as they make it difficult to search in databases, catalogs and indexing systems.

If the article is written in a foreign language other than English, both the title and the abstract and the keywords must be translated into this language and into Spanish; the rest of the content will remain in the original language.

The summary must be of maximum 250 words. Express clearly and succinctly the objective of the article, the main assumptions from which it departs, the arguments and the thesis (s) that structure it. In no case is it a fragment of the introduction or the rest of the content.

The keywords must be from five to seven and come from a thesaurus of the discipline.

The articles will be received with a maximum of four tables and / or figures; The latter are a visual and complementary aid presented in the form of photographs, graphics, diagrams or drawings.
The data of the references and the appointments must be in accordance with the guidelines of APA, sixth edition.
Types of articles

The articles can be written in any language and may correspond in their structure with the following types of text:

Article derived from an investigation. The text presents the advances or results of a research, from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, but using original sources. Its structure is: introduction, methodology, development, discussion, conclusions and references.
Review article or state of the art. In a systematic way, it shows the organization, the integration and the results of several investigations carried out around a specific area or problem, with the objective of exposing its current state. To fulfill this purpose, the bibliographic review will be of at least 30 titles or references, as current as possible. Its structure is: introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions and references.
Theoretical article It is the meticulous analysis of a theory or several of its concepts, based on a critical review of the literature. It is elaborated for the purpose of expanding or refining theoretical constructs, of presenting a new one, or of demonstrating inconsistencies in the theory (reflexive or analytical criticism). Its structure is: Introduction, exponential development of the subject, or characteristics thereof, discussion, conclusions and references.
Case report It presents the results of a work carried out with a community or institution, in order to make known the technical and methodological experiences considered for the specific case. Its structure includes: Introduction, approach to the problem or case, methodology, case analysis, discussion, results and references.
Letters to the Editor. It is a document of no more than two pages, which expresses the thought, reflection, criticism, analysis situated about a reality or of different realities and intersubjectivities, in this space the students will be able to capture their perception, judgment and other elements that expose the processing of social, cultural, academic information among others.
Editorial. Document written by a member of the editorial committee or a guest researcher on guidelines in the thematic domain of the journal.
Test. It is a type of composition written in prose that briefly analyzes, interprets or evaluates a particular topic, the structure is as follows: Introduction, approach to a thesis, development; The author exposes and analyzes in depth the topic he has chosen. Raises your ideas, arguments, criticisms or analysis based on other sources, references.
Interviews Section. It is an interview that is made to experts in a subject, the structure includes: Introduction, development of the interview, conclusions and references.

Without exception, translations are not allowed in any of these types of articles; that is, versions of texts already published in other languages. This will be considered plagiarism or autoplaggio, if applicable.


Peer Review Process

Reception of articles

All the proponents will have to send their writings through the Open Journal System or to the e-mail journalfs@amigo.edu.co no printed articles will be received.
Partial versions of the text will not be received, that is, those that the author considers to modify and that are not structurally adjusted to one of the types of article described or documents.
The editor of Funlam Journal of Students' Research will confirm the author's immediate and automatic reception. This message is not understood as the approval of the article or its publication in the edition.
Once the article is sent, it is understood that the author authorizes the publication of their contact information and institutional affiliation.
The reception of articles does not imply an obligation to publish them.
Evaluation of articles

The Editorial Committee analyzes the relevance of the material and compliance with the presentation guidelines already described. Likewise, it verifies the originality of the text through software that tracks different digital media, including the participating academic publications of Crossref, allows the identification of incorrect citations and possible plagiarism. The technological system generates a report and index of similarity; if the latter is greater than 25%, the article is discarded.
Once the evaluation of the article begins, the authors agree not to remove it from the journal. (From the same shipment). For this purpose, send the manifestation of transfer of economic rights in favor of Funlam Journal of Students' Research, the authorization of data processing and the declaration of conflicts of interest. This document will be provided by the Editor and completed by the authors.
For the evaluation, the referees should take into account:
The relevance of the article to the current thematic.

The news and wealth of the sources.

The solidity of the information contained.

The conceptual and textual coherence.

Publication Frequency

Funlam Journal of Students' Research is a semi-annual serial publication.

Open Access Policy

This magazine provides immediate free access to its content, with the purpose of making available to the national and international community the work and knowledge of the Amigonian community. Therefore, partial reproduction of the content is permitted, provided that it is not used for commercial purposes, the author is cited and credits are given to Funlam as the publishing institution; and total reproduction is forbidden, by any means or for any purpose, without written authorization from LUIS AMIGÓ CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY.

License CC BY - NC - SA
It allows:

Share - copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt - remix, transform and build on the material

The licensor can not revoke these liberties, as long as it follows the terms of the license.

In the following terms:

Attribution - You must give the appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate whether changes have been made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in a manner that suggests that the licensor or its use endorses it.

Non-commercial - You can not use the material for commercial purposes.

Share under it - If you remix, transform or create on the material, your contributions must be distributed under the same license as the original.

No additional restrictions - Legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything other than license permits can not be applied.