Relationship between the use of psychoactive substances and filial-parental violence in adolescents
Adolescence, Drugs, Family, Family relationships, Filial-parental Violence (FPV).Abstract
This paper offers a reflection on some aspects related to the practices of filial-parental violence exerted by adolescent sons and daughters and the consumption of psychoactive substances. It is based on an exhaustive documentary review, identifying the factors that can unleash acts of aggression towards fathers, mothers, or ascendant relatives, prioritizing the consumption of psychoactive substances as a vehicle that sets particular forms of conflict in the parents and children relationship. It is concluded that filial-parental violence and the consumption of psychoactive substances are related phenomena, which repeatedly remain hidden and become manifest only when the dynamics and structure of the family system are put at risk. The research becomes relevant in the face of the different challenges that professionals in psychology and other health sciences must face, within the framework of the intervention on the power and control relationships that involve the families of the 21st century.Downloads
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