Parental permissiveness and gender differences in alcohol consumption in schoolchildren




Permissively, Family, Alcohol, Adolescents.


Underage drinking is a significant social and public health problem. Research shows that the family is a key instance of the risk of substance use by children and adolescents. There is evidence that the family can have a differential impact on a gender-based basis, in a context where the proportion of women consuming substances has increased, so this research
investigated about family permissiveness according to gender, in 3064 students of public schools in Bogotá D.C. Analyses showed the weight of variables relating to parental permissiveness, particularly in the onset of consumption and in favorability to drink alcohol, in both genders.


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Author Biographies

Efrén Martínez, Colectivo Aquí y Ahora

Fondo Editorial- Editora

Orlando Scoppetta, Universidad Católica de Colombia

Andrés Martín, Colectivo Aquí y Ahora


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How to Cite

Martínez, E., Scoppetta, O., & Martín, A. (2019). Parental permissiveness and gender differences in alcohol consumption in schoolchildren. Drugs and Addictive Behavior, 4(2), 214–224.



Artículos de Investigación