In the hegemonic era of the body, a pause to understand corporal dysmorphic disorder




Dysmorphic disorder, Addictions, Body


To talk about the body, it is necessary to resort to the individual and collective experience of the body, its social construction and the level of satisfaction or approval that it is able to provide. For that reason, the body and specifically the body image, acquire a special relevance as it accounts for culture and contemporary social practices.
Body image is a construct that implies what one thinks, feels and acts in relation to its own body. In general terms, it is a conscious representation and conceptual knowledge about the body (Meneses and Moncada, 2008), which is undeniably more and more susceptible to the elements that emerge from the new social configurations of a digital era.


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Author Biography

Dubis Marcela Rincón Barreto, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

Fondo Editorial- Editora


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How to Cite

Rincón Barreto, D. M. (2019). In the hegemonic era of the body, a pause to understand corporal dysmorphic disorder. Drugs and Addictive Behavior, 4(2), 205–212.


