Risk behaviors in youth from Mexico City: a retrospective study





Risk behavior, longitudinal studies, students, sex, youth


In the transition from adolescence to adulthood, an increase in several risk behaviors endangers the well-being of future life. It is in this period when there are changes in the relationships of adolescents with their family environment; therefore, retrospective studies are valuable to understand how these changes occur. This research describes the changes in risk behaviors associated with sexual activity and the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs, from youth to adulthood.  A sample of 5780 students, men and women, from Mexico City was used. The selection of participants was retrospective and they were evaluated in three stages during years (2003, 2006 and 2010) in a period of seven years. Eleven indicators of and Automated Medical Examination (EMA) were used to evaluate the four risk behaviors. The results showed significant relationships (p <0.001) between the risk behaviors and the gender of the students, also indicated that men had a greater number of risk behaviors than women. Likewise, significant differences were found in the risk behaviors (p <0.001) over time. The findings allowed us to observe an increase in risk behaviors in the transition from adolescence to adulthood, both in men and women.


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How to Cite

Betancourt-Ocampo, D., González-González, A., Cruz-Mejía, O., Fernández-Varela, H., & Solís-Torres, C. (2018). Risk behaviors in youth from Mexico City: a retrospective study. Drugs and Addictive Behavior, 3(2), 167–181. https://doi.org/10.21501/24631779.2882



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