Psych pedagogical principles of Feuerstein for the care in crisis of families with alcoholic patients: case study carried out in Costa Rica




Ala-non, Alcoholics anonymous, Alcoholism, Crisis, Mediated learning experience, Home of Alcoholics, Mediation, Mediator, Cognitive modifiability, Reuven Feuerstein


This article presents a qualitative research synthesis by means of phenomenological approach whose methodology is the case study. The study is to help a patient’s family. The patient attends a rehab center called “Hogar Salvando al Alcohólico” located in Goicoechea, San José, costa Rica. This work aims at presenting family attention at critical moments during the patient’s rehab process while being admitted at the rehab center; in addition, the works starting point is based upon a diagnosis carried out in relation to the centers patient’s family attention necessities as well as close relatives, administrative and therapy staff.
Moreover, another objective is to describe the emotional status of those relatives who have a family member admitted into a rehab center as well as the moment the patient finally leaves. The description includes the intervention strategies taken from Reuven Feuerstein’s theory of Cognitive Structural Modifiability and its family nucleus attention-mediation principles. Thus, the moment we implement the Mediated Learning Experience twelve steps through several qualitative techniques, we can measure both the progress in knowledge, and the family’s molding as well as their response to alcoholism and the alcoholic member of the family. In relation to rehab, we aim to measure how deep helping groups get involved for both alcoholics and codependent ones with the purpose of healing family hard feelings. The work may be used as reference for future possible families with an alcoholic in a rehab process.


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How to Cite

Alpízar Jiménez, L. (2018). Psych pedagogical principles of Feuerstein for the care in crisis of families with alcoholic patients: case study carried out in Costa Rica. Drugs and Addictive Behavior, 3(2), 283–301.



Estudio de Caso