Contribution of pharmaceutical chemistry in the treatment of Medellin drogodependent patients


  • Yan Carlos Cataño Montoya Universidad de Antioquia
  • Valentina Mejía Paniagua Universidad de Antioquia
  • John Sebastián Restrepo Cano CESDE
  • Héctor Esteban Higuera Cogollo Universidad de Antioquia
  • María Alejandra López Cárdenas Universidad de Antioquia



Company Papá Vanegas, Drugs, Drug addiction, Physiology, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Rehabilitation, Psychoactive substances


Background: Drug addiction is a disease that affects people physically, mentally and socially; This is why it gets necessary for patients with this condition to be treated in a multidisciplinary way. Objective: To describe the contribution of the Pharmaceutical chemist in the treatment of drug addiction with patients from Papá Vanegas corporation which is
located in Medellin city. Method: The methodology used was qualitative with participatory action research strategy, a nonprobabilistic sampling was performed with a sample of 40 people, using research instruments such as interviews, field diary, life histories. Results: After the interventions made by the students of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, the participants highlighted their intention to internalize the knowledge acquired about the mechanisms of action, anatomical and physiological effects, diseases derived from the abuse of these substances and the importance of an adequate diet, highlighting a great interest in
personalized pharmaceutical care as drug interactions due to the polypharmacy presented by some of the patients referred to their different pathological conditions. Conclusion: it was found that the Pharmaceutical Chemist is indispensable in the process of rehabilitation drug-dependent patients because these professionals know about active principles and psychoactive substances. The actions performed by the professional allowed the patients to understand the physio anatomic damages of the pathological consumption of drugs.


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Author Biography

Yan Carlos Cataño Montoya, Universidad de Antioquia

Fondo Editorial- Editora


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How to Cite

Cataño Montoya, Y. C., Mejía Paniagua, V., Restrepo Cano, J. S., Higuera Cogollo, H. E., & López Cárdenas, M. A. (2018). Contribution of pharmaceutical chemistry in the treatment of Medellin drogodependent patients. Drugs and Addictive Behavior, 3(2), 256–265.



Artículos de Investigación