Transversal study on the consumption of psychoactive substances and prevalence of disorders in adolescents school
School adolescents, SPA consumption, Transversal study, DisordersAbstract
The research gives an account of the use of psychoactive substances and the prevalence of mental disorders in adolescents enrolled in the Popayán vocational media, through a cross-sectional study carried out in 2012 and 2015 by the Psiedu research group of the Psychology of Cooperativa University, headquarters Popayán. In the two cohorts, we worked with
socially representative samples, the researchers included from a mapping of actors, to the maximum of student’s members of the tenth and eleventh grades of the Institutions. The research was based on the quantitative cross-sectional descriptive study, the information was collected from the instrument titled Questionnaire for Screening Problems in Adolescents (POSIT), composed of 81 reagents grouped into seven areas of daily life: Substance use / abuse, mental health, family relationships, relationships with friends, educational level, work interest, aggressive / criminal behavior (Rahdert, 1991; Mariño et al., 1998).
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