Alcohol consumption in students of the University of the Amazon
Alcohol consumption, Prevention, Health, Types of consumers, UniversityAbstract
The research took as a point of reference the question: ¿What is the state of alcohol consumption in the students of the University of the Amazon? this is part of what has never been done by the reflection on the reality of the young students of this raw material in the consumption of this substance. In addition, to pretend to know this reality, seeks to generate concerns about the role that the university is fulfilling, and higher education in general terms of prevention and health welfare of students in The pertinent thing is that this type of consumption practices, a measure for the bulk of the population as a standardized practice, but little questioned precisely because it is seen in this way. Thus, within the results found 95% of students claimed to consume alcohol, compared to 5% who said otherwise. Among consumers of alcohol, these were classified as occasional with 75%, habitual in 24%, and dependent 1% of students. Faced with which was problematized on the role that the university is doing against this reality, specifically with the cases of dependent students. Regarding the Methodology, the investigation of the transversal descriptive nature, the use of the technique of information gathering, which was applied to a population of 369 students of the different academic programs.
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