Pharmakon:subjective solutions, derangements and re-elaborations


  • Felipe Martin Drut Université Toulouse II Jean-Jaurès



Arrangement, Query, Drug, Elaboration, Pharmakon, Subject, Toxic


In our clinical experience, we have found that several patients who have suffered problems related to drug or alcohol dependence and whose relation with the substance has even been modified. The latter, for example, is acknowledge when the use does not bring the same effects it once did, in some cases it has resulted in suddenly dropping the drug or taking it as far as an overdose. Now, under which situations would it be possible to represent an appropriate opportunity to start a working with those who come to us? That is, if the substance use becomes a problem for the person and not only a practical and efficient
solution: does it necessarily require psychotherapy? This study analyzes the conditions on this passage through a theoretical and clinical approach based on some contributions from the fields of philosophy, anthropology and psychoanalysis. There is also the theoretical and clinical contributions of the psychoanalyst Sylvie Le Poulichet regarding “pharmakon”, its functions and faults. There are three types of relations between subjects and drugs: as an efficient and essential solution, as a relation that can be broken at a certain moment and gives way to other clinical phenomena related to anxiety and shame and as a relation in which drugs can be seen as something which holds a solution value that has diminished and in which the subject can set it aside. The study shows this situation through two clinical cases.


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How to Cite

Drut, F. M. (2018). Pharmakon:subjective solutions, derangements and re-elaborations. Drugs and Addictive Behavior, 3(1), 110–121.



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