Comparative study of the performance of executive functions in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal and frontoedial cortex in adolescents who are poly-smokers of psychoactive substances, linked to the system of criminal responsibility in parallel with adolescents who are not under this same condition
Criminal responsibility, Executive functions, Poly- consumption of SPA, Prefrontal cortex, TeenagersAbstract
This research was conducted under a comparative quantitative methodology with a cross section study. The objective is the realization of a comparative study of the performance of the Executive Functions of the prefrontal, orbitofrontal and front medial cortex in adolescents between 14 and 18 years’ old who are poly-consumers of psychoactive substances, and linked to the criminal responsibility system in contrast with adolescents belonging to an educational institution that are not under this same condition from the Department of Quindio. They were applied a test of Executive Functions Battery and frontal lobes (BANFE 2); which allows, through the results obtained, identify that high or low schooling is not an influential factor in the executive performance. Besides, it reveals significant differences in the performance of the Executive Functions of the population with low criminal responsibility and a of Poly consumption background, finding alteration in the dorsolateral, orbitofrontal and front medial cortex in contrast to the student population that do not comply with this condition.
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