Drug use and parental involvement among Costa Rican high school students during 2015
Drugs, Drug use, High school, Parents, YoungstersAbstract
This article aims to validate the importance of an adequate parental involvement in the prevention of drug use, as well as in the reduction of prevalence levels of consumption through a correlation analysis of variables. The research is based on a sample of 5863 high school students as part of the IV National Survey on Drug Use in Secondary Education Population, which was conducted during 2015 to a representative sample of students from 50 high schools of Costa Rica. The instrument used had 109 questions, distributed in seven different sections, from personal and academic basic information, to risk behavior under the effects of psychoactive substances.
Among the main results, it is found that approximately 6 out of 10 students report greater parental involvement, in addition, higher levels of prevalence in alcohol, tobacco and marijuana consumption are reported among the young people with less parental involvement, also, those young people with a better relationship with their parents present a higher risk perception about consume behaviors. It was also found statistically significant relationships between the consumption of parents and their level of involvement, because those who consume to a lesser extent have a higher level of involvement.
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