Consumer identity, motives and beliefs in smokers and non-Smokers Colombians young
Cigarette smoking, Consumer identity, Expectations, Motivation-temptations.Abstract
The aim of this comparative descriptive study was to describe the differences in consumer identity, motivation-temptation and beliefs about drinking among young smokers and nonsmokers, in a group of 250 young people between 18 and 35 years old from 4 cities main Colombia. To evaluate the psychological aspects Motivation Questionnaire Temptations, Beliefs Questionnaire Cigarette Consumption, the Consumer Identity Questionnaire and the Questionnaire of Smoking C4 classification were used. The results indicate that smokers have expectations about drinking, motivation and identity of higher consumption of the three groups, ex-smokers despite prolonged abstinence for more than two years still have a moderate level of identity and temptations to consume motivation indicating that there is still a certain level of risk of relapse in consumption.
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