Structural cognitive modifiability in the family of an alcoholic patient
Reuven Feuerstein, Modifiability Structural Cognitive Mediated Learning Experience, Instrumental Enrichment Program, Mediation, alcoholic, family.Abstract
The theory of Dr. Reuven Feuerstein, Structural Cognitive modifiability, mediation Criteria for Learning Experience and Instrumental Enrichment Program are useful elements for the family of an alcoholic patient can develop strategies to help and support drinking and grow healthy and comprehensive way household from the guidance of the mediator, which in this case is the addiction specialist.
By generating questions, focus groups, informational meetings and training for the family, the mediator will expand the knowledge on alcoholism, their characteristics, the treatment of the sick, codependency of family and proper recovery of all of its members in that process, at their own pace, they can change ideas, reactions, limits and approvals to their family and themselves.
As theory suggests, the mediator will be only a guide and provocative dynamics, through steps, educational psychology principles, parameters and criteria that transmits mediation theory.
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