Pathological gambling: a review and analysis into a comprehensive model
Compulsive gambling, pathological gambling, behavioral addiction, intervention models.Abstract
Based on the premise of the World Health Organization, where it is considered as a disease; it is also different scientific databases, electronic and in physical documents such as books and magazines, citing among other authors experts in the topic as Domínguez, Villoria, Bisso, Echeburúa, among others. Generate questions about the forms of address and speak this behavioral addiction, making an approach to the cognitive-behavioral models, pharmacological and relapse prevention; conducted an exhaustive search of the phenomenon in this allowed: a better understanding of pathological gambling, the evidence of flaws in the protective factors to deal with it, the need to address the human being in a comprehensive manner, the respect for gender differences and the establishment of therapeutic targets commensurate with the complexity of the addiction.
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